Home BREAKING NEWS Photo Story, Lhakar: New Year at Bodh Gaya

Photo Story, Lhakar: New Year at Bodh Gaya

Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA The Mahabodhi Temple Complex is one of the four holy sites related to the life of the Lord Buddha, and particularly to the attainment of Enlightenment. The first temple was built by Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century B.C., and the present temple dates from the 5th or 6th centuries.

By  Shyamal Sinha

Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
The Mahabodhi Temple Complex is one of the four holy sites related to the life of the Lord Buddha, and particularly to the attainment of Enlightenment. The first temple was built by Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century B.C., and the present temple dates from the 5th or 6th centuries.

HH told  my  journey began from Delhi to Bodh Gaya, the feeling of entering into spirituality grew every now and then. Even though Bodh Gaya is one of the Buddhist holiest pilgrimage sites, I was not willing to go there. Somehow duty always comes first.

As I reached Bodh Gaya, it was hazy and foggy with lots of pilgrims on their way to sacred Mahabodhi temple. It is ancient, but much rebuilt and restored, a Buddhist temple in Bodh Gaya, marking the location where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment.

It was a bit cold as a slight breeze touched my face and brought a light fragrance of incense from some nearby offerings. The soft chanting of devotees reached my ears and inspired me more to see the grandeur Monlam Chenmo.

I’m not a religious person, but it always feels good to take the graceful photos of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teaching. This new year, I found myself capturing the long life offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and pilgrimage to few of old Buddhist sites. It’s better for me to tell my story through the photos.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during White Heruka Long Life Empowerment.
Long-life pills waiting to be distributed to the crowd during the Long-life Empowerment given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Kalachakra Ground in Bodhgaya. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
Namgyal Monastery monks playing traditional during a long life ceremony.Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
The Oracle of Nechung Dorje Drakden during a long life ceremony at Kalachakra ground. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
The Oracle Tsering Chengna in trance during long life ceremony at Kalachakra ground. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
His Holiness the Dalai Lama joyfully greeting a member of an audience. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
His Holiness the Dalai Lama waving to the crowd as he leaves the stage at the conclusion of the Long Life Ceremony at the Kalachakra Ground in Bodhgaya. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
His Holiness the Dalai Lama leaving from Kalachakra ground to his residence after long life ceremony. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
Colourfully decorated butter sculpture around Mahabodhi temple. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
A place where Buddha meditates for seven days after attaining enlightenment. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
Rajgir, place where Buddha gave second teaching to 500 Dachompa. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
The ruins of Nalanda Mahavihara. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
Sujata offers rice milk to Siddhartha (Buddha). Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
A far away sight of the great Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA