Home OPINION Mahabodhi Karuna Charitable Hospital UT- Ladakh, INDIA

Mahabodhi Karuna Charitable Hospital UT- Ladakh, INDIA

Message from the Founder-President 
Dearest supporters, sponsors, friends, and well-wishers of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC), Devachan, Leh-Ladakh, please accept my warmest and humblest greetings!
Firstly i would like to wish you a very Happy New Year 2020. May this year bring lot of joy and happiness in your life.
It is with great pleasure and pride that we are sharing with you a brief report of the Mahabodhi Karuna Charitable Hospital service undertaken by MIMC during the past year. Devachan has grown from its humble beginnings since 1991, to what it is today, only through your support. Today, Devachan is a vibrant and vital hub of education, meditation and various humanitarian and spiritual service programs. It has been a challenging but hugely rewarding experience to bring MIMC-Devachan to its present state.
The land on which Devachan stands, once totally barren, has become a blissful home for numerous beings, human and plant alike, and a nursery for new ideas and initiatives aimed at uplifting the human race. About 500 people including children, elderly, destitute and visually impaired live in Devachan, along with dedicated and devoted monks and nuns. The Mahabodhi Residential School which was established in 1992, in a modest room with a handful of children has existed for an overwhelming 20 years now. Currently, around 750 children are benefiting from our acclaimed education programs at the Mahabodhi Residential School, and Mahabodhi Branch School Tingmosgang, Ney, and Bodhkharbu as also through its higher education programs.
In addition to students, numerous volunteers, visitors, meditators and genuine seekers of truth and lovers of peace from various parts of the world flock to Devachan every summer to enrich their lives along with enriching ours. Devachan is also blooming environmentally. With hundreds of apple and apricot trees and innumerable flowering plants and shrubs, Devachan charms one and all with its colourful and aromatic environs during the warm summer months in Ladakh. Devachan is truly turning into a model of an alternative, spirituality-based community.
When an individual creates a new and revolutionary vision and mission, s/he certainly has to face many unimaginable challenges and obstacles. It is, therefore, no wonder that MIMC also has had to face such challenges and obstacles in its establishment and eventual development. In spite of these numerous and unfathomable challenges, we have always remained clear about our vision and mission and true to our ideals of compassion and meditation in action. We shall resolutely move forward, year after year, with these ideals at the centre of our hearts and souls.
In addition to the firm conviction and unyielding faith we have in the transformative power of our work, without which MIMC would not have come into its present state, we are eternally grateful to the undying love, encouragement, guidance, insights and support from all of you. On behalf of all the beneficiaries of MIMC, I would like to express heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude to all of you for extending your kind help and support to MIMC over the years.May you all take great satisfaction and personal pride from the many worthy activities taking place at Devachan.
May all of us be blessed with the strength and power to continue our mission of offering selfless service for the betterment of this world.
May the fragrance of pure love spread everywhere and may all beings are happy and well.
With the most profound gratitude and the deepest affection to you all,
Bhikkhu Sanghasena
Founder-President and Spiritual Director
Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC), Leh-Ladakh, India