Home BREAKING NEWS Tibet Awareness Programme Held at Two Different Colleges in Padrauna, Kushi Nagar,...

Tibet Awareness Programme Held at Two Different Colleges in Padrauna, Kushi Nagar, Uttar Pradesh


ITCO Coordinator Thupten Rinzin presenting a souvenir book to Chief Guest Ratanjit Pratap Narain Singh.


Uttar Pradesh: A Tibet Awareness Programme was conducted in two different colleges in Padrauna, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, on October 18, 2023. The event, organised by the India Tibet Coordination Office (ITCO), with the collaborative effort of Dr. Shub Lab Ji from Bharat Tibbat Samvad Manch (BTSM), marked the third and final day of their initiative to raise awareness about the Tibetan issue among Indian college students.

The event was graced by the presence of Shri Ratanjit Pratap Narain Singh Ji, former Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs and a former member of the Indian Parliament, who attended as the Chief Guest at Udit Narayan P. G. College.

College Principal Dr. Mamta Mani Tripathi Ji and Principal Dr. Shailandra Dutt Shukla from Hanuman Intermediate College, along with Shri Surendra Kumar Ji from Core Group for Tibetan Cause-India (CGTC-I), faculty members, students, and local figures, were also present at the programme.

Dr. Shanta Surejyi, an assistant professor in the English Department, introduced and moderated the programme.

Thupten Rinzin, the ITCO Coordinator, presented the programme’s objectives, which aimed to educate young Indians about the historical connections between India and Tibet, the current Tibetan situation, and the importance of supporting Tibetan freedom.

He used a PowerPoint presentation to cover various themes, including cultural and spiritual ties between India and Tibet, Tibet’s unlawful occupation, facts about an independent Tibet, Tibetans’ escape into India, the role of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), the current situation in Tibet, and why Tibet matters to India.

Shri Surendra Kumar Ji discussed ancient India-Tibet relations, China’s illegal occupation of Tibet, and the need for more support for the Tibetan cause in the Indian Parliament and government, despite concerns about antagonising China.

Chief Guest Shri Ratanjit Pratap Narain Singh Ji emphasised the critical situation in Tibet and urged college students to learn more about the Tibetan issue through awareness programmes and online research. He encouraged students to write petitions to the United Nations and express solidarity with the Tibetan people on various online platforms.

“You all will go on to serve the nation after the completion of college education, and no matter where you go and serve, you should always try to support the Tibetan issue, show empathy for the urgent situation in Tibet, and support the Tibetan freedom movement,” said Chief Guest Shri Ratanjit Pratap Narain Singh Ji.

Deputy Coordinator Tenzin Jorden, delivering the vote of thanks, expressed gratitude for the Chief Guest and other guests and students attending the programme.

After the event, the Chief Guest was taken on a tour of the photo exhibition by the Tibet Museum on campus.

In the afternoon, another Tibet awareness programme was held at an inter-college, where College Principal Dr. Surendra Kumar Singh Ji welcomed and felicitated Shri Surendra Kumar Ji, Thupten Rinzin, and Tenzin Jorden.

Thupten Rinzin introduced the programme and delivered the same PowerPoint presentation as earlier at Udit Narayan P. G. College.

In total, more than 700 college students attended the programme at the two colleges.

Additionally, the Tibet Museum from Dharamsala was invited and showcased a photo exhibition titled “India-Tibet Relations” on campus, attracting students and faculty.

The India Tibet Coordination Office, New Delhi, distributed Tibet-related books and brochures during the event and made a donation to the college library.

The India Tibet Coordination Office (ITCO) successfully wrapped up its Tibet Awareness Programme in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, reaching a combined audience of more than 1400 college-going students across four different colleges.

-Filed by India Tibet Coordination Office (ITCO), New Delhi

ITCO Coordinator Thupten Rinzin speaking on Tibet at Udit Narayan PG College.

Photo collage of Tibet awareness programme at Udit Narayan PG College.

Photo collage of Tibet awareness programme at Inter-College.