Home BREAKING NEWS The Dalai Lama speaks Oneness of Humanity with American Students

The Dalai Lama speaks Oneness of Humanity with American Students

His Holiness the Dalai Lama meets with a group of 17 American students who are currently visiting Dharamshala for a firsthand experience of Tibetan culture, religion and ways of life.

By  Shyamal Sinha

His Holiness the Dalai Lama meets with a group of 17 American students who are currently visiting Dharamshala for a firsthand experience of Tibetan culture, religion and ways of life.

Love, kindness, compassion and tolerance are qualities common to all the great religions, and whether or not we follow any particular religious tradition, the benefits of love and kindness are obvious to anyone. told by HH Dalai Lama

Spread boundless love across the entire world without ill will, without enmity. That’s true religion, that’s true wisdom

A day before 17 American high school students received an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at his official residence .

During their meeting, His Holiness blessed the students, and laid an emphasis on the importance of “oneness of humanity.”

Drawing their attention on his principal commitments, His Holiness spoke on cultivation of warm-heartedness and human values, which are necessitated in living a peaceful and meaningful life.

Also, His Holiness reiterates that “In a world of 7 billion human beings with different ways of life, different traditions are necessary for humanity, we need different approaches to achieve inner peace and peace in the community.”

Furthermore, His Holiness spoke on developing a compassionate heart for 7 billion human beings in today’s materialistic world. He stressed that it is the most effective to embrace compassion and tolerance with the context to modern education. Promoting deeper human values based on a sense of the oneness of humanity, with the aim of creating a more compassionate society brings a sense of confidence that reduce stress and anxiety, whereas anger and hatred come from frustration and undermine our sense of trust.

“The biggest problem in today’s world is existing modern education is very much materialistic oriented, not talking about inner world. So now, education should include ancient Indian knowledge on how to tackle emotion,” says His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The 17 American high school students are currently visiting Dharamshala for a 10-day first hand experience with the Tibetan families to learn and to understand the rich Tibetan culture and tradition.

Recently, the octogenarian Tibetan leader celebrated his 84th birthday. Despite his advancing age, His Holiness remains committed in his efforts to serve humanity, promoting love and compassion on a global scale and advocating for religious harmony, denuclerization and education reforms among others.

Rain your wisdom, compassion & kindness equally on all & uplift the humanity one step ahead .