Rejecting criticism, EAM spokesperson Vikas Swarup said that terrorism was discussed more substantive manner than even Antalaya G20 Summit.
Foreign ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup. (Photo: Twitter)
“The Goa Declaration contains the strongest-ever language against terrorism among all past BRICS summits. The word terrorism/terror features some 37 times in the declaration,” he said at a media briefing.
He said there was “unprecedented condemnation” of terrorism at the summit and that BRICS leaders strongly condemned the recent attacks in India.
The Modi government faced intense opposition criticism for its “abject failure” to get a reference to terrorism emanating from Pakistan included in the BRICS declaration.
The MEA spokesperson said BRICS leaders, for the first time, called for effective implementation of UN Security Council Resolution on Counter Terrorism and sought enhancing the effectiveness of the UN Counter Terrorism Framework.
“They called upon all States to counter terrorism, radicalisation, recruitment, terrorist movement, dismantling of terrorist bases, money laundering, drug trafficking. The leaders also called for expedited adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT),” he said.
Swarup said the BRICS leaders also recongnised the growing nexus between weapons of mass destruction and terrorism.
“BRICS as a group (that) focuses on global issues. We are all aware that the current global architecture is not reflected in some of the institutions of global governance. BRICS is one example of a grouping which represents current realities.