Home ALSO IN THE NEWS Online Registration Available for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s upcoming teaching in...

Online Registration Available for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s upcoming teaching in May 2019 at Dharamshala


His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a three day teaching on The Furthest Everlasting Continuum (Sanskrit: Uttaratantra) (Tibetan: gyu lama) at the request of Russians in the morning of 10-12 May, 2019 at Main temple.

All devotees attending the teaching are requested to avoid bringing all kinds of electronics, cameras, mobile phones, knives, cigarettes and lighters or match-boxes and unnecessary items to the teaching venue due to security reasons. It is also advised to wear decent and proper attire while attending the teachings.

You may bring your Textbooks, Cushions and a Mug for tea.

Those who are practitioners of Dorje Shugden or Dholgyal are strictly advised not to attend the teachings as this would only be a cause of corrupting the bond between the master and the disciple.

You can register online at www.dalailamateaching.com Kindly bring your online e-registration form along with your Passport / Ids to obtain the teaching pass.

The teaching is free of charge; however a charge of Rs 10/- is collected as a nominal fee. Kindly bring your original passport or Identity proof for registration.

Date of Registration: April 29, 2019 onwards

Place of Registration: Security branch office (CTA) Bhagsu raod, Mcleod Ganj

Working hours: 0900 hrs to 1300 hrs and 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs

Department of Security, CTA
26 April 2019