Home ALSO IN THE NEWS Second Day of Tibetan Parliamentary Delegation’s Tibet Advocacy in Delhi

Second Day of Tibetan Parliamentary Delegation’s Tibet Advocacy in Delhi


Second Day of Tibetan Parliamentary Delegation’s Tibet Advocacy in Delhi


Dharamshala, 5th Dec 2023: In accordance with the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile’s initiative to engage with key dignitaries, including Governors, Speakers of state legislatures, Chief Ministers, Members of Parliament, Members of legislative Assemblies, Tibet support groups, and the general public, a delegation comprising MP Serta Tsultrim, MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, and MP Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen on the second day of their advocacy in Delhi held meetings with Shri Bashistha Narain Singh, MP; Rajya Sabha; and Shri P. N. Khrimey, Joint Commissioner, SPUWAC & SPRUNER, Delhi Police.

Followed by a meeting with Shri Madan Lal, MLA Delhi, the Tibetan MPs were hosted for lunch by Shri Kishan Kapoor, MP Lok Sabha.

Subsequently, they also held a meeting with Shri Abhishek Dutt, INC National Secretary.

Later in the evening, they partook in the Panchen Lama Awareness Initiative.

Choney Tsering, from the India Tibet Coordination Office (ITCO), accompanied the delegation during these meetings.

-Report filed by Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat